School Improvement Services
Whether boosting performance of turnaround schools, or taking your school to a blue ribbon level, Educational Directions will make a customized program to positively impact lasting student performance.
Educational Consulting
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Free Educational Tools
As a courtesy to schools, Educational Directions is sharing all of the tool kits from our latest book, Turning Around Turnaround Schools – Volume 2: Embracing the Rhythm of the Learner Year. If you do find them useful, drop us a comment, give us a like, or even follow us on social media. Interested in reading the book? Check it out here.
Our Thoughts on Education
5 Ways to Improve Student Discipline in Your School
In an educational environment, maintaining student discipline is a crucial aspect that often determines the success of the students and the institution. Effective discipline helps
Test analysis beyond scoring
At this point in the year, many teachers wonder if there is anything they can do to improve student scores. The answer is simple but
Root Causes for Performance Gaps Among Students
As a public-school educator for 30 plus years, and the site leader of two elementary schools for fourteen of those years, the state school testing
Closing Out The School Year- Opportunities for Academic Leaders
I admit that when I was a building administrator, and I thought about the end of the school year I concentrated on planning to avoid
Preparing for Standardized Testing – Band-Aid strategies to maximize the scores of all students
By mid-March, teachers and school administrators should know which students are ready for the assessment and which ones are not. If you’ve not already created
Professional Development for Educators and Administrators
All Educational Directions PD offerings are action-oriented. The session begins with an introduction to issues, includes an introduction to the knowledge base related to the