Chapter 7 – Testing Period Teacher Self Assessment

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  • Create Date April 6, 2020
  • Last Updated May 10, 2021

What is this tool set?

This tool is used to get teachers and PLC groups talking about their preparation of students for an assessment. It is one of a self-evaluation set in the ED to get. Others include a self-assessment for academic leaders, and a teacher assessment of student readiness.

Who would use it?

The tool specifically designed for teachers and the evaluation of their classroom preparation for the test follows the self-assessment for the opening, formative and calibrating periods and should enable the teachers in the school to evaluate their year and plan for next year.

Why would they use it?

The tool is based on research relating to classroom strategies and activities that are linked to optimum performance on assessments.

When would they use it?

Ed Directions recommends that this tool be used enough lead time to change classroom activities and especially student experiences that will move them towards performance that is consistent with her potential. The coaches are encouraged to use it in late March and early to mid – April.

What prep work before or action items after should someone expect?

Ed Directions recommends teachers developed the student profiles first,and identify students who are in danger of under-performing the expectation or under-performing their potential. When that data is collected it can be used to probe for cause or for opportunities for enabling more students to be successful. It is usually followed up with an ad hoc test prep plan for the class followed by weekly monitoring activities to inform decisions about student priority support needs.

Is their anything unique about using this COVID year?

The pandemic has created stress and anxiety even for students in “regular” classrooms. A number of the strengths of the teacher/student learning teams have been missing or compromised because the pandemic and the ongoing monitoring of student progress as learner and as performer has been compromised to the point that it may not use the data that is needed to inform planning and decision-making. Checks for understanding, “teachable moment” interventions, escalating quizzes and assessments, and building learning and assessment experiences that are shared by all students have been difficult or impossible in VI and hybrid situations and have been compromised and alternative school schedule models.

Whenever ED presents a workshop or facilitates a meeting follows a a pattern that relates to adult learning and performing theory

  1. Build the cognitive base
  2. Explain the tool and its use
  3. Model the use of the tool
  4. Facilitate and initial use and provide shaping feedback
