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4906 Bardstown Road | Louisville, KY 40291 | 502.373.2700 


Creating Better Goals:
Calibrating Measures of Success with CORE Planning

Strategic plans can face two tough challenges: First, developing a plan that is both lean and comprehensive. Second, if the group successfully completes step one, the communication and implementation of a plan can change focus or priority between the board room and the grassroot, small teams. This session first focuses on developing a strong charter and implementation plan. This can be especially challenging as we go into a fall and new fiscal year where we might not be able to have the face-to-face, boardroom sessions a process like this might usually entail. We will also cover some of the best practices in terms of remote planning and synchronous and asynchronous learning. This session will include a tip sheet and some tools to get you started putting these ideas into action.

Additional Information

Educational Directions
Educational Directions specializes in customized academic improvement programs and strategies geared toward enhancing student performance, boosting leadership capabilities of school faculty and staff, and positively impacting the culture and outcomes of K-12 schools.

HOPE For Leaders
Helping Other People Excel, LLC (HOPE) is a leadership development and coaching firm. We specialize in professional development for leaders at every level of the organization.

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