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Educational Directions Blog

Ed Directions coaches and leadership team encounter lots of educational challenges in the schools we partner with.  Read more about how to overcome some of the more common challenges that we have helped schools overcome.

Mastering Text Features for State Academic Assessments: A Curriculum Guide

In the world of state established expectations for all students and the accompanying high-stakes accountability requirements, preparing students for state assessments has become a crucial facet of our educational system. Tests are not merely a snapshot of a student’s knowledge but an empirical lens through which we assess their ability

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The Reading “Genre” Imperative in State Academic Assessments

For educators, the landscape of state academic assessments is an ever-shifting terrain, influenced by legislative changes, pedagogical trends, and sociocultural shifts. Amidst this mosaic, the role of reading instruction is pivotal. Educators across the nation recognize the importance of cultivating effective reading skills, but disagree as to what “effective reading

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The Untapped Power of Social and Emotional Learning in Schools

The education community has increasingly recognized the intrinsic link between social-emotional skills and academic success in recent years. Despite this growing awareness, some schools have yet to fully integrate social-emotional learning (SEL) into their curricula, missing out on a critical component of student development. For parents, educators, and school administrators,

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Understanding and Implementing Trauma-Informed Education

In an educational landscape where the emotional and psychological well-being of students is becoming as prioritized as their academic success, trauma-informed education emerges as a crucial approach. For educators and school administrators committed to fostering a supportive and effective learning environment, understanding trauma-informed education is not just beneficial—it’s essential.  Trauma-informed

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Empowering Leadership: The Impact of Project Chartering in K-12 Education

In the tumultuous landscape of K-12 schooling, where the needs and dynamics of education are invariably evolving, leaders face a Herculean task in managing change effectively and cohesively. Enter project chartering, a systematic approach that weaves together the threads of leadership vision, actionable missions, and strategic objectives into a tapestry

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10 Essential Tips for New K-12 Teachers

Transitioning into the education field can be daunting, particularly for new teachers who are navigating the complexities of K-12 education. This listicle aims to provide indispensable advice catered to elementary school teachers who are starting their professional journeys. Whether you’re a fresh graduate or a career changer, these tips will

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Empowering Principals: The Leadership Guide to Strategic Planning

Navigating the Tumultuous Waters of Education Reform In the fast-paced, results-driven, and high-stakes world of K-12 education, strategic planning isn’t just a buzzword; it’s a vital lifeline. For educational leaders, particularly principals, the challenge of succeeding in an environment where uncertainty and change are the only constants, necessitates a robust

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5 Ways to Improve Student Discipline in Your School

In an educational environment, maintaining student discipline is a crucial aspect that often determines the success of the students and the institution. Effective discipline helps create a safe and conducive learning atmosphere, improving outcomes for teachers and students alike. However, traditional authoritarian approaches are proving less effective as we better

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Test analysis beyond scoring

At this point in the year, many teachers wonder if there is anything they can do to improve student scores.  The answer is simple but takes some explaining – solve the right problem and quit wasting time solving the wrong ones. So, how do we figure out what the “right

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Root Causes for Performance Gaps Among Students

As a public-school educator for 30 plus years, and the site leader of two elementary schools for fourteen of those years, the state school testing cycle every spring was unsettling.  We hoped our work planning instruction, executing lessons, and analyzing data weekly in PLC’s would yield positive results on a

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