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Educational Directions Blog

Ed Directions coaches and leadership team encounter lots of educational challenges in the schools we partner with.  Read more about how to overcome some of the more common challenges that we have helped schools overcome.

Professional Development for Educators and Administrators

All Educational Directions PD offerings are action-oriented. The session begins with an introduction to issues, includes an introduction to the knowledge base related to the resolution of those issues, and then provides participants with facilitated planning time to take what they have learned back into their role at the school

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Transitioning into success after winter break

A common question that we receive from principals is, “I have my benchmarking test scores, how to I maximize insights from these tests to boost student performance?” When thinking about academic leadership in December (the transition month between the Formative Period and the Calibrating Period of the Learner Year), the

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The Formative Period Self Assessment

The Formative Period runs from about the third week of school to winter break. In addition to content delivery/learning, the Formative Period emphasizes the development of efficient learning skills and behaviors in every student. Around the first of October, school leaders need to assess classroom status in terms of student

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Using state test scores to mine data for your SIP

Last week I had a chance to talk with a school principal about his school improvement plan. His leadership team had just read the schools state report and built a strategic plan for raising their score to the goal that have been set for them by the state. The principal

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Thoughts on the Equity issue and school improvement mandates

Educational Directions is a consulting company that works with states, school districts, and individual schools to support student growth as learner and student growth as performer. We usually tie that support to test scores, school and district accountability, etc. As a part of our work with states, districts, and schools,

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Calibrating Period

The Calibrating Period – The January/February Conundrum

A core component of Educational Directions is the “Rhythm of  the Learner Year” – ROLY. This approach emphasizes that proficient performance by all students requires a focus on high-level student engagement in optimum learner and performer work. In addition, it emphasizes that the level and nature of this work changes

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Academic Leadership

The Academic Leadership Year – Part 7

Once the school leadership team has completed the data mining and goal setting parts of academic leadership, their tasks expanded to include planning for the opening of school and assessing “readiness.” By July, most schools have a school improvement plan (SIP), but frequently, the plans have been developed without the

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Academic Leadership

The October Imperative – The Academic Leader

Years ago, teachers used to talk about the “big” learning months – September, October, January, February, and March – because these months offered large blocks of time for uninterrupted teaching and learning. As more research became available on the topic of how students learn, the importance of these months was

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Academic Leadership

The Academic Leadership Year – Part 6

The Academic Leadership Year – The July Period (Part Six) If leadership has done adequate pre-planning and provided teachers with time to collect and organize their data by the end of July, teachers can begin intentionally developing course, unit, and lesson plans that are designed to move their students towards

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The effects of good teachers

The October Imperative – The Effect of Teachers

Years ago, teachers used to talk about the “big” learning months – September, October, January, February, and March – because these months offered large blocks of time for uninterrupted teaching and learning. As more research became available on the topic of how students learn, the importance of these months was

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Academic Leadership

The Academic Leadership Year – Part 5

Once schools know the number of students needed for success, their next step would be to identify the teachers of the assessed areas and their students. In the past, Ed Directions’ coaches have looked at multiple years’ scores in content areas to determine: 1) Were they successful last year? and

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Academic Leadership

The Academic Leadership Year – Part 4

When working with underperforming schools, Ed Directions’ coaches always emphasize that a school cannot improve scores by setting out to improve scores. In our approach to school improvement, we emphasize that to improve scores, you must improve individual students as learners and performers. This is not an attempt to de-emphasize

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Academic Leadership

The Academic Leadership Year – Part 3

In states with more detailed district and school reports, we can carry our analysis to another level. In states that offer information on individual student performance, or in a best case scenario the actual student work and how it was scored, we can connect more dots and begin to speculate

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