Professional Development Series

Building Monitoring and Response to Intervention Systems

This session provides participants with strategies for linking at-risk students with intentional (in terms of risk-factor) and appropriate (timely and least invasive) interventions. A part of the program deals with ongoing analysis of student response to intervention (RTI) and to escalating interventions.


Participants will learn about using a system of collecting data from regular classroom observations and artifact studies to determine the level of buy-in and implementation from staff for the district and school wellness initiatives. They will also learn how to assess the student response to the intervention plans and the impact the intervention has on student development as learner and performer.

District Staff

  • A design for a central office data management system that focuses on RTI at the school level and enables district to identify community, state, district, and school resources that are being used and the level of success they have in enabling student growth as learner and performer
  • Supportive policies, procedures, and resources (including PD) that can assist schools in monitoring their wellness program and their students’ response to the wellness initiatives

School Leadership Teams

  • A plan for monitoring resource use and its impact on students, and for rolling out the data collection strategy to teachers including supportive technologies and human resources
  • A plan for developing a “data center” where student data can be collected to monitor student growth as learner and performer and student response to interventions
  • A schedule for regular review of collected student data to identify school and classroom patterns and provide data that can inform review and revision of plans
  • Plans for regular review of students who are not responding to interventions

School Staff

  • A strategy for identifying students who are at-risk, communicating observations to appropriate school leadership staff, and choosing an appropriate intervention for the student
  • A plan for documenting interaction with at-risk students including date of identified at-risk characteristic, intervention strategies, student reaction, and impact of intervention performance
  • An ongoing record of identification, intervention, and RTI
  • Regular PLC discussions around “what works” strategies for individual students who exhibit a downward spiral in their at-risk area
  • A plan for end of semester and end of year “profile” development on every student who remains at-risk or did not reach their potential as learner or performer

Each session ends with a personalized action plan based on that day’s learning. Also, each session will review the user experience and query suggestions from participants via an anonymous e-mail survey. Optionally, a check-for-understanding assessment can be included.

Read more about the Educational Directions professional development philosophy

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