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4906 Bardstown Road | Louisville, KY 40291 | 502.373.2700 

Professional Development Series

Culture and the Rhythm of the Learner Year

Participants will be introduced to The Rhythm of the Learner Year methodology and how it can help schools utilize the first three to five weeks of school to build intentional cultures and climates around school wellness.


Participants will learn about The Rhythm of the Learner Year and how it promotes structure and sets the standards for classroom climate and culture. They will also generate a list of strategies and opportunities that exist only in the first five weeks of the school year that can impact overall wellness and improve test scores.

District Staff

  • An introduction to the learner year as opposed to the accountability year
  • An assessment of school readiness to address the changing needs of the learner over the course of the learner year
  • A plan for preparing school leadership teams to address learner needs at the appropriate time
  • A plan for ongoing ad hoc PD for schools that are struggling to address student needs

School Leadership Teams

  • An introduction to the learner year and the needs of the learner year at each stage
  • An introduction to the importance of the opening of school phase of the learner year in developing culture, climate, and optimum rituals and routines
  • A student plan for a successful opening of school that provides all students with the competencies and the support they will need to be successful
  • A plan for monitoring classrooms for climate, culture, and competency development including a plan for intervention where the climate, culture, or competency development is inadequate
  • A plan to review the opening of school at the end of the third or fifth week to identify students who do not seem to be on a success track and provide them with immediate priority intervention

School Staff

  • An introduction to the learner year and its impact on teacher planning for courses, units and lessons
  • An introduction to the importance of the Opening of School period of the learner year in the development of culture, climate, and optimum rituals and routines
  • A plan for how my classroom is going to “open” and the plans included to ensure that all students enter the next phase of the learner year (Formative Period) equipped to be successful
  • A data collection plan that will help me identify all students who do not believe that they can be successful or do not possess the competencies needed for a successful Formative Period

Each session ends with a personalized action plan based on that day’s learning. Also, each session will review the user experience and query suggestions from participants via an anonymous e-mail survey. Optionally, a check-for-understanding assessment can be included.

Read more about the Educational Directions professional development philosophy

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