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Evaluating the End of Year Period

Academic Leadership

“Evaluating the End of the Year Period: A Principal Self Evaluation” is a comprehensive, downloadable tool designed to help school principals and education administrators reflect on their school’s performance during the end-of-year period. This invaluable resource aims to identify strengths and areas for improvement, ensuring a more effective and smooth conclusion to the next academic year.

Key Features

  1. Reflective Evaluation: The tool guides principals or school leaders through a detailed self-assessment, encouraging thoughtful reflection on various aspects of their school’s performance as the academic year concludes.
  2. Prioritization of Improvement Areas: Identify key areas that need attention and prioritize them for the upcoming school year. This ensures that efforts are focused on making impactful changes.
  3. Facilitates Professional Learning Communities (PLCs): Utilize the tool as a discussion starter during end-of-year PLCs or planning sessions. It provides a structured approach to collaborative analysis and strategic planning.
  4. Actionable Insights: Gain actionable insights into what worked well and what needs to be refined. Use this information to develop targeted action plans for the coming school year.

Target Audience

This tool is specifically designed for:

  • School Principals: Primary users who will lead the evaluation process and implement the findings.
  • Education Administrators: Support the principal in analyzing data and strategizing improvements.
  • Teacher Leaders: Contribute to the evaluation process and help drive school-wide initiatives based on the findings.

Why Use This Tool?

“Evaluating the End of the Year Period: A Principal Self Evaluation” is not just about looking back—it’s about moving forward with purpose and clarity. By systematically evaluating the end-of-year period, school leaders can create a plan that addresses issues head-on, celebrates successes, and sets the stage for a more effective and efficient school year.

Download the tool today and take the first step towards a better tomorrow for your school community.









The free tools provided on this site are pulled, in part, from our recent book Turning Around Turnaround Schools, Volume 2 – Embracing the Rhythm of the Learner Year. If you have questions about how to use any of these tools, please feel free to contact us, or check out the book, available on

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